An Address

Heath Edwards
4 min readMar 1, 2023

Dear Mr. President:

The rights of the people have been infringed upon and it continues to worsen. If we allow an agreement giving the World Health Organization authority over United States policy during a pandemic the United States will no longer be a Democratic Republic. I do believe this much is understood. No matter if this accord takes place or not, I refuse to acknowledge the World Health Organization as having any authority in my life. I am a free citizen. I am an individual. I am a human and I will not be forced to put anything into my body that I do not feel completely confident is the correct choice for me. I have personal views and beliefs and I refuse to allow an unelected group of individuals to decide what is best for my well-being.

I do not know what the best method for creating room for a positive change might be, but writing this letter, a personal plea for help in bringing a sense of good and concern for the citizens of this great nation back to the people is where I will begin.

Unfortunately, many United States citizens have become content in doing nothing while holding a belief that everything will work out fine. This is quickly proving to not be the case. We are currently witnessing an ongoing tragedy all across the world and the people who are in positions to make a change are being silenced through bribes and dirty deals with these powerful groups. Or you have them arrested.

When radio was created many years ago, someone noticed the potential it had and the extreme power held by any device that would broadcast to a large population a continuous message over and over, again and again. Television and internet were introduced and mankind has fallen into complicity and agreeable silence. We are allowing a level of power to exist where one should never exist. As power becomes stronger and human nature remains the same, we are faced with a dilemma. The dilemma I speak of is ease and comfort and too many people worldwide have fallen victim to it. Those of us who are unfortunate enough to be considered low or middle-class are losing our rights and our freedom at an increasing rate. The United States has become a slave market owned by corporations that watch every move we make to ensure no-one thinks for themselves. It is working.

The youth will soon become the leaders of our country and it is the responsibility of every adult to convey a message that will promote positive growth and strong values in things like: Honesty, Humility, Authenticity, and Compassion. Instead, we are currently focusing on issues of race and equality. What is happening should be plainly obvious, but many people are taking the bait. These issues are created to get a reaction from both sides and are aimed especially at the extreme ends of both the left and right. This too is working.

I understand that our government is no longer going according to the rules set forth by our Founding Fathers. I do. What I cannot understand however, is why or how so many individuals are sitting silently allowing this to take place. It is time to do something to change.

The power structure within our most powerful institutions and government has become a threat to the livelihood of its citizens. I feel it necessary to express this opinion in hopes that where it is heard and agreed upon, it will be shared and become a loud enough voice demanding our leaders to address the problems we are facing in our country and allow for other leaders to do the same within their respected borders.

The United States is said to be the greatest country in the world. There should be no doubts of that truth from any United States citizen, but that will take some effort from all of us, especially from those in positions of power within our government if this belief is to continue into the future. People are losing faith and trust in our government due to what is being said and what is being done being at total odds with one another. What can I do to help? Where can I be of service? How can I, a single individual learn in order to gain a better understanding of what is happening around us? I am willing and able to do my part to any extent of my capacity. I am aware of a level of depth and complexity within the ranks of government that I will forever be unfamiliar with. I know there are rules that each respected body of government will follow.

I do not believe that all of my opinions are absolute in there accuracy, however, there does appear to be a growing number of individuals who share a similar view. If Americans were given accurate information from the most popular sources instead of the debacle that is our nations media outlets, this would help bring clarity in any area where the information is often misinterpreted or misunderstood. And STOP ARRESTING EVERYONE WHO DOESN’T AGREE WITH YOUR POLICIES!

With Much Respect,

A Human



Heath Edwards

Creative and Ambitious, with a simple life-goal; Be happy. Check out my website —