Just an observation
When the devil gets lonely, let him speak. His rant will eventually end and he will depart once again. This separation may be brief however, he does have a lot to say. Always listen and never ignore. Even if the source from which you get the information is of questionable reasoning, it will still provoke thought. That expansion of thought will take shape as someone’s existence. It will create an idea or a dream that can break new ground to areas that were previously non-existent. Each flutter of light as important as the next. Information is no different. Each individual experience is unique. There is no grand solution to a gradual problem; only a broader understanding that with each addition to the amount of information made available, the more realistic the chance of being left behind in ignorance will become. Close your mouth! Open your mind! Separate the Ego! We are the force that is creating the future. Our predictions will become our reality. Your choice right now will be profound in the next ten years. If we continue to bleed our resources from the earth, with or without care or concern of its depletion, it will become the excuse for our next war and great tragedy. History is on a circular path and it will soon reach its tail. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Do you see a pattern forming? If not, it may be worth a second glance.