Practice Being You
Do you often overthink casual activities due to how others may view you? If so, don’t worry; this is a normal thing for many people. Acceptance is kind of a BIG DEAL, especially when a first impression is on the line. Chances are, if you think you are trying too hard to fit in, you more than likely are. Here are some tips that might help you make a positive impression, while acting as your authentic SELF:
- Positive Speech — Always build yourself, as well as others up. Negative speech is more than just unattractive; it allows our mind to go into an unnecessary process of creating negative emotion. This can have an effect on everyone around you. Stand out by showing respect and concern in all situations, even if you don’t think it is deserved. It will make you stronger, both mentally and emotionally. The ways in which we speak can tell a lot about our character and how we think.
- Daily Affirmations — By affirming to ourselves that “I am”, “I can”, or even just a reminder that we look good and we’re happy; we can build enough strength and confidence to get us through most situations with some comfort. When this is put into practice on a daily basis, we will become all of the things that we tell ourselves. This works both ways. The power of positivity is a whole lot stronger than people sometimes realize. Daily Affirmations are an easy and excellent way to begin each day with a healthy and positive attitude. Think Positive!
- Positive Action — We should always strive to be a role model in our communities; always giving 100% in all that we do. Our actions, what we do is the biggest part of how we are defined by others. Be genuine and authentic with the person you are and enjoy the time spent doing the things you love. It’s not about what other people like. This is about finding personal peace and happiness without regard to outside opinion. More than likely, you will be respected and thought of as a strong and independent individual who possesses leadership skills. People notice a firm confidence, and role models pave the way for our next group of leaders who will follow in the footsteps of those who they have gained respect for. We have the choice of who and what to include in our lives. If someone doesn’t like the same hobbies or music, or whatever it may be; that’s wonderful. That means that they are an individual too. Don’t let the crowd define who you are. You define you. Then, watch as the crowd begins to follow you.
Having a positive attitude can make such a tremendous impact in our lives. It is literally the difference between a good day or a bad day. These practices have helped me, and I am certain they will help you also. With an elevated level of confidence, you will begin to enjoy the feeling you get from being unique. When you are consistently doing the right thing, your concern about the way you are perceived by others will slowly fade away. Knowing who you are and having the ability to be that person is an amazing feeling that keeps getting better and better. Please leave any comments, questions, concerns, or personal experience on the topic. I would love to hear your feedback.